Diff for "MoinMoinDone" | UserPreferences |
Things from MoinMoinTodo that got implemented.
* Strip closing punctuation from URLs, so that e.g. (http://www.python.org) is recognized properly. Closing punctuation is characters like ":", ",", ".", ")", "?", "!". These are legal in URLs, but if they occur at the very end, you want to exclude them. The same if true for InterWiki links, like MeatBall:InterWiki.
* Smileys :)
* Page''''''Count macro: [[PageCount]]
* Headlines:
= H1 =
== H2 ==
=== H3 ===
==== H4 ====
===== H5 =====
====== H6 ======
* Rejoice,
||||is done||
* Check for a (configurable) max size in bytes of the RecentChanges page while building it
* Inline code sections (triple-brace open and close on the same line, {{{like this}}} or {{{ThisFunctionWhichIsNotaWikiName()}}})
* SGML-Entities were replaced when saving them a second time, i.e. & #160; without the space had a problem.
* SpamSpamSpam appeared 3 times in WordIndex. Too much Spam!
* Added a means to add meta tags to the page header, like: {{{
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;charset=euc-jp">
* MoinMoin:J?genHermann is now url-escaped
* You can now have ["Really special page names äöüÄÖÜ?{[]}/,.-;:_!?%&/()="??*#'~<><|^?"] if you set "allow_extended_names" to 1 in the config file.
* Added "action=raw" to send the raw wiki markup as text/plain
* Added InterWiki links (and now also "normal" MeatBall:InterWiki links)
* Do a '''chmod 666''' when saving (otherwise, it gets hard to edit, remove, and cvs checkin the pages).
* '''Bug''': when saving an empty page, we get an exception.
* EditText now adds the page's timestamp to the FORM, and refuses the save if the timestamp changed between loading the editpage and saving.
* Make a backup of the page before saving (data/backup/pagename.''timestamp'').
* Removed the "Reset" button right next to the save button -- a little slip could mean a lot of lost work. In the rare case one wants to undo all of one's edits, one can just reload the page.
* Support for I18N, especially German WikiName's (J?genHermann ;) )
* Add icons for editing, printing view, searching and help ''at the top''.
* First change regarding URLs is to remove " from the URL pattern. Then you can put URLs into quotes, which makes nice reading.
* Numbered lists (PikiPiki seems to have omitted those)
Also look at the [http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/MoinMoin/CHANGES?cvsroot=moin&only_with_tag=HEAD CHANGES file] (click on "download"), which lists all the changes in the most recent developer version (only available via CVS).
== Fixed 2000-10-31 ==
I think this is a bug (case of URL followed immediately by preformated text closing brackets):
{{{just another BoringTest http://www.kalab.com}}}
''--anonymous bug guy''
Definitely a bug (''and now fixed, since it's an inline code segment'').
Does this work, though?
just another BoringTest http://www.kalab.com}}}
Yes, now it does!
"{{{just another BoringTest http://www.kalab.com}}}" is an '''inline code sequence''' now, and thus a feature, not a bug. Note the different font! Also see HelpOnFormatting.